Basic Phial Experimentation Not Working (2025)

1. Alchemy, Basic Phial Experimentation fails every time - Blizzard Forums

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  • Has anyone faced problem with Alchemy and Basic Phial Experimentation? After learning some recipes it started failing constantly: I’ve tried it 4 times in a row (with 4h cooldown) and it failed every single time. It seems to be bugged or smth. Alchecmy lvl is 46.

2. Basic Phial and Potion Experimentation not working in ...

  • 2 dec 2022 · At the moment, Blizzard still hasn't fixed the issue players are having with crafting Basic Phial Experimentation, Basic Potion Experimentation, ...

  • It might be fixed soon.

3. Basic Phial Experimentation - Spell - World of Warcraft - Wowhead

  • You have learned all there is to discover from phial experimentation. In the Profession Spells category. Added in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight.

4. Alchemy's Potion and Phial Experimentation Have Been Disabled

  • 1 dec 2022 · Due to some ongoing issues, the following recipes have been temporarily disabled: Basic Phial Experimentation. Basic Potion Experimentation.

  • Blizzard has noted that Alchemy's Potion and Phial experimentation have been disabled.

5. Recipe: Basic Phial Experimentation - Wowpedia - Fandom

  • Recipe: Basic Phial Experimentation was never made available. The recipe is instead taught by trainers.

6. Dragonflight Alchemy Guide -

  • Basic Phial Experimentation and Basic Potion Experimentation are the sources of almost every new potion and flask. The chance to discover potions or flasks is ...

7. Complete Guide to Alchemy In WoW: Dragonflight - TheGamer

8. Best Phial Mastery Talent Build Guide for Alchemy in Dragonflight - Icy Veins

  • 18 apr 2024 · This page goes into detail on the Phial Mastery specialization of Dragonflight Alchemy, and will guide you through multiple talent builds.

  • This guide contains the best Phial Mastery talent builds for the Alchemy profession in Dragonflight.

9. Guide: Dragonflight Alchemy Leveling - Simple Carry

  • Discovering Potions and Phials ... Discovering Potions and Phials is not that rare. You will usually get at least 1 Discovery if you do 10 Experimentations, but ...

  • Dragonflight Alchemy Leveling Guide 1-100 This Dragonflight Alchemy leveling guide will show you the fastest way how to level your Dragonflight Alchemy skill up from 1 to 100 as inexpensively as possible.   Shopping List This is the list of materials needed to get to 30. There are just too many variables for the 30-100 part. 4x Rousing Frost 2x Rousing Air 108x Hochenblume 4x Awakened Frost 2x Awakened Fire 1x Awakened Air 1x Awakened Order 1x Awakened Earth 12x Writhebark 12x Saxifrage 12x Bubble Poppy Levels 1-7 2x Refreshing Healing Potion - 4x Rousing Frost, 16x Hochenblume Levels 7-11 2x Aerated Mana Potion - 2x Rousing Air, 16x Hochenblume Levels 11-15 Use Reclaim Concoctions on the 10x Refreshing Healing Potions and 10x Aerated Mana Potions you just made. Levels 15-16 1x Transmute: Awakened Air - 1 Awakened Frost, 1 Awakened Fire Levels 16-25 12x Omnium Draconis - 12x Writhebark, 12x Saxifrage, 60x Hochenblume, 12x Bubble Poppy You can also use Reclaim Concoctions on Potions or Flasks until you reach 20. It doesn't really matter which one you make. Both of them will be used to level Alchemy to 100, so you will have to make a bunch of them anyway. Alchemy Specializations When you hit 25, you will unlock Specializations. I would suggest having a little bit of a look through the specializations. Spend some time reading through them, then choose which direction you might want to go. But don't be too hasty with spending points just at this time unless you have...

10. Recipe: Advanced Phial Experimentation - Items - WoWDB

  • Recipe: Advanced Phial Experimentation Alchemy Essentials: Item Level 1: Binds when picked up. Use: Teaches you how to experiment with advanced phials.

  • Recipe - Alchemy - Experiment with volatile reagents in hopes of discovering new phial recipes.

11. Basic Phial Alchemical Experimentation - Wowpedia

12. TWW Alchemy Leveling Guide 1-100 -

  • Discovering the basic potions. Using Wild Experimentation on the herbs listed below for the first time will teach you the basic Alchemy potion recipes. I ...

  • This War Within Alchemy leveling guide will help you to level your Alchemy profession up from 1 to 100.

13. WoW Dragonflight Alchemy Guide - Simple Carry

  • The Sustaining Alchemist Stone extends the duration of your active phial by ... 15x Basic Potion Experimentation, 15x Basic Phial Experimentation (75x ...

  • Unveiling the Mysteries of Dragonflight Alchemy: A Comprehensive Guide to the World of Warcraft's Ninth Update Embark on a thrilling adventure in the expansive realms of World of Warcraft's Dragonflight, the highly anticipated ninth update that introduces an array of captivating features. Prepare to traverse five breathtaking new zones, immerse yourself in the captivating lore, and witness the complete transformation of professions. Among these intricate crafts, Alchemy emerges as a captivating profession, offering a vast assortment of Phials and Potions imbued with diverse applications. In this meticulously crafted guide, we shall delve deep into the realm of Alchemy, unraveling its latest changes, extraordinary bonuses, and specialized branches. Unveiling the Boundless Horizons of Alchemical Mastery As the brave adventurer that you are, it is essential to stay ahead of the game and equip yourself with the knowledge required to harness the true potential of Alchemy in the realm of Dragonflight. In this comprehensive guide, we shall unearth the secrets of this ancient craft, revealing the intricate changes that have befallen the profession and the remarkable opportunities that await those who embark on this alchemical journey. Mastering the Refined Art of Phials and Potions Within the enigmatic world of Alchemy lies a wealth of potent concoctions waiting to be discovered. From rejuvenating elixirs that bolster your vitality to powerful potions that enhance your combat prowess...

14. "Basic Phial Experimentation" bugged - Blizzard Forums

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  • I have all the required ingredients, and I’m standing right next to the alchemist’s lab bench. Yet, when I click “Experiment”, it briefly makes the “working” alchemy sound but nothing happens. Edit: It still isn’t working. Edit: It is now working. Hooray!

15. WoW Dragonflight: Complete Alchemy Guide Level 1-100 - Game Rant

  • 17 jan 2023 · You can discover a wide range of recipes during experimentation, but it's generally not ... Basic Phial Experimentation. 5x Artisan's Mettle; 2x ...

  • The best way to level Alchemy in Dragonflight and the best recipes to craft!

16. Advanced Phial Experimentation - Spells - WoWDB

  • Schools, Physical, Level ; Global Cooldown, None, Cooldown Category ; Skill Line, Dragon Isles Alchemy, Skill Difficulty ; Flags. Generates no threat ; Required ...

  • Experiment with volatile reagents in hopes of discovering new phial recipes.

17. Dragonflight Alchemy Gold making overview - The Lazy Goldmaker

  • 1 dec 2022 · There's 3 main categories of recipes: potions, phials and alchemist stones. ... Most of the phials and potions come from experimentation. Outside ...

  • Alchemy is different, but mostly still the same.  Recipe types Alchemy has been fairly streamlined in Dragonflight. There’s 3 main categories of recipes: potions, phials […]

18. Alchemy - Dragonflight Alpha | World of Warcraft GamePlay Guides

  • 23 jul 2022 · Experiment with volatile reagents in hopes of discovering new potion recipes. Basic Phial Alchemical Experimentation ... active phial by 60 sec.

  • Dragonflight has 4 types of herbs:

19. [PDF] The universal art of Samuel van Hoogstraten (1627-1678)

  • surely, the question is not easy or simple. after van ... changes in working method but not in thought, pondering and considering the diverse affects.

20. Are there flasks in WoW Dragonflight? - Dot Esports

  • 25 jan 2023 · Phial Experimentation: This area is devoted to increasing the chance of positive outcomes of your experiments. You need to have 10 or more ...

  • Big changes have taken place with the newest expansion.

Basic Phial Experimentation Not Working (2025)


How do I reset phial experimentation? ›

you can use a Liquid Courage (Liquid Courage) to reset the 4 hour cooldown you get from the failure.

How do you unlock advanced phial experimentation? ›

You must have the full 20 points of knowledge in Phial Experimentation and 10 points in Phial Lore to be able to get Advanced Phial Alchemical Experimentation. The advanced version reduces your experiment time to 2 hours.

What is the cooldown of basic phial experimentation? ›

Has a random chance of getting a 4h cooldown when used. If successful will return some phials you have already discovered, and sometimes a random phial recipe you haven't learned yet.

How do I start repairing the phial in Skyrim? ›

Repairing the Phial
  1. Speak to Quintus Navale.
  2. Retrieve the Unmelting Snow.
  3. Find some Mammoth Tusk Powder.
  4. Take a Forsworn Heart.
  5. Return to Quintus Navale.
Nov 10, 2011

Can you change Alchemy specialization in Dragonflight? ›

After selecting the gossip option to unlearn the specialization you will be able to accept a new quest to learn either Elixir, Potion, or Transmutation Mastery (requires Classic Alchemy skill level 300). Note: This applies to Classic specializations only. Dragonflight profession specializations cannot be reset.

What is the max Alchemy in Dragonflight? ›

In Dragonflight, you cannot level your profession to maximum easily like in previous expansions. For Alchemy, you will only be able to reach skill 50/100 with vendor-learned recipes. You will be required to farm renown or use Knowledge points to learn other recipes in order to fully max out your skill to 100/100.

Is Alchemy worth it in Dragonflight? ›

Dragonflight Alchemy Bonuses & Benefits

Being an Alchemist means creating useful flasks and potions for all sorts of content, from basic stat boosts to speed boosts or invisibility potions. So, this profession is helpful for personal use and gold making through Auction House.

How do you reset the cooldown in alchemy? ›

All you have to do is log out and log back in again, the cooldown is reset and you can keep grinding your alchemy.

How do I reset my Dragonflight profession knowledge? ›

Knowledge points cannot be reset or moved once spent, however you can always earn more points to spend in areas you have not yet completed. Customer Support will not assist with moving, changing, or adding knowledge points. Please log in to submit feedback.

How to make phials last longer? ›

Using a sustaining Alchemist stone (doesn't require alchemy to equip) extends the duration of active phial by 1 minute every time it procs making the phial effectively infinite as long as you spend most of the time in combat. You can do 100 M+ runs with a single phial.

Can you change alchemy specialization in Dragonflight? ›

After selecting the gossip option to unlearn the specialization you will be able to accept a new quest to learn either Elixir, Potion, or Transmutation Mastery (requires Classic Alchemy skill level 300). Note: This applies to Classic specializations only. Dragonflight profession specializations cannot be reset.


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.