Ben 10: Ultimate Alien TV Review (2025)

Common Sense Media Review

Ben 10: Ultimate Alien TV Review (1) By Emily Ashby, based on child development research. How do we rate?

age 8+

Darker and still violent, this Ben 10 not for the sensitive.

  • Parents Need to Know

    Parents need to know that this cartoon features more of the explosive exchanges that were prevalent in the two previous incarnations of the Ben 10 series, so if violence is an issue for you, then this one isn't a good choice for your kids. Teenage Ben is a brooding hero who's struggling with the double stresses of fighting aliens and managing his newfound worldwide notoriety, and the show feels a little more intense because of it. Alien monsters and Ben's own transformations can be frightening for kids as well. In other words, tweens with a good grasp of fantasy vs. reality should be fine, but younger or more sensitive kids might find the show too scary.

  • Violence & Scariness


    Ben and his friends have an arsenal of weapons for defense against their enemies. Kevin’s high-tech plane packs missiles for shooting down other aircraft, and Ben uses laser guns, sword-like objects, and the variety of special skills his alien forms boast. Some villainous characters are killed, but the actions are usually implied rather than seen.

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  • Products & Purchases

    very little

    The Ben 10 series is tied to an extensive merchandise line of toys, books, and games.

  • Sex, Romance & Nudity

    very little

    Very mild flirting between teens. Rarely a girl kisses a boy on the cheek.

    Did you know you can flag iffy content? Adjust limits for Sex, Romance & Nudity in your kid's entertainment guide.

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  • Positive Role Models

    a little

    Ben struggles with his newfound fame but never lets it go to his head, as the safety of others is always his primary goal. His friends are supportive and always willing to lend a hand in his battles.

  • Educational Value


    The show intends to entertain rather than educate.

  • Positive Messages


    Mixed messages: There’s a clear definition between good and evil, and the heroes always strive to preserve the greater good, even at their own expense. The show demonstrates the importance of teamwork and cooperation among friends and teammates, but also shows violence as a way to resolve disputes.

Where to Watch

Parent and Kid Reviews

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  • Parents Say (8)
  • Kids Say (26)

age 10+

Based on 8 parent reviews

cyrano Adult

June 8, 2010

age 10+

it can learn to my kids

LoneWolf-B Adult

November 27, 2011

age 18+

Same Old, Same Old

Ben Is As Stubborn As Ever...Very Conceited And Full Of Pride. Not A Very Interesting Change In The Plot. Although Ben Does Seem To Be A Bit More Responsible...I Rarely Watch This Series, My Kids Dont Fancy It Either But...I LOVE Generator Rex For Some Reason, Similar To Ben Ten But Rex Seems A Bit More Humble And Family Oriented...But There Was An Episode Where They Both Came Together. Ben Came To His World... GREAT Episode...Except There Was This One Weird Part...AT The End I Noticed The Bad Guy Looked Way Too Scary For It To Be A Child Show...Unusually Demon Based :/...I Dont Go To Church Often, But I Do Have A Christian Background..And I Remember My Mom Talking About A Verse Where God Says "I Am Alpha And Omega, The Beginning And The End...Etc" And At The very Last Part Of This Episode...(The Villains Name Is Alpha Btw :| ) Alpha Stole Rex's Omega Nanite And He Grew To An Even More Demon Like Creature And Pronounced His New Name By Saying.."I Am Alpha Omega And This Is The Beginning And The End Of The Human Race"...Why Couldnt They Say Omega Alpha ? That Sounds BetterTo Me. Im Going To Give This Show A Break For A While :T

See all 8 parent reviews

What's the Story?

BEN 10: ULTIMATE ALIEN picks up where Alien Force left off, with now-16-year-old Ben Tennyson (voiced by Yuri Lowenthal) still taking on a host of alien intruders to Earth. His enemies have gotten stronger and more elusive, but Ben's acquired a revamped Omnitrix called an "Ultimatrix," which puts more variety and power at his fingertips. With his friends Gwen (Ashley Johnson) and Kevin (Greg Cipes) at his side, Ben also faces the daunting task of handling his newfound fame after his long-kept identity is revealed.

Is It Any Good?

Our review:

Parents say (8):

Kids say (26):

Kids who have followed Ben's journey from the original show won't notice many changes besides his age in this latest incarnation of the series. He's still a morphing master, now drawing on an even more extensive wealth of alien forms and honed skills to wage war against the imposing creatures. In addition he sports slick new rides for both road and air travel, which is sure to impress gadget-loving tween boys.

That said, this grown-up Ben has more on his plate than just blasting aliens now that the whole world knows who he is, and it makes for some uncomfortable times when his efforts to help people are misinterpreted as menacing and dangerous. There's a noticeable change in his demeanor, which is more brooding and reflective than jovial, and by association, the show seems slightly darker than in the past. Then, of course, there's the frequent battles between the good guys and the bad, which might frighten kids and sends iffy messages about nonviolent methods of resolving conflict.

Talk to Your Kids About ...

  • Families can talk about fantasy. What is fantasy? What aspects of this show are rooted in fantasy? How much of it is realistic? Is fantasy appropriate for everyone? How can you tell the difference? Do you like shows that have a lot of fantasy? Why or why not?

  • Tweens: Do you believe in the existence of aliens? What evidence exists to support the theory that they exist? Do you think we'll ever know for sure if they do?

  • What did you think of the violence portrayed in this show? Was there too much violence? How does it compare to other cartoons you've seen? Is violence more upsetting when it's in a live-action show than in a cartoon? Why or why not?

TV Details

  • Premiere date : April 23, 2010
  • Cast : Ashley Johnson, Greg Cipes, Yuri Lowenthal
  • Network : Cartoon Network
  • Genre : Science Fiction
  • Topics : Magic and Fantasy, Adventures, Space and Aliens
  • TV rating : TV-Y7-FV
  • Last updated : November 5, 2024

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Ben 10: Ultimate Alien

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Ben 10: Ultimate Alien TV Review (2025)


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Views: 6429

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (64 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.