=This is a Headcannon, NOT official=
Len has DID, having four distinct personalities.
Nickname(s): Cold
Personality: calm and geeky
Good qualities: extremely smart, quick learner, generally honest, insightful, wise, good with kids, good with handicapped people
Bad qualities: workaholic
Likes: reading, studying, working, MMA, Karate, learning, science, inventing
Dislikes: Taking extremely long breaks, being bored
Favorite foods/drinks: Tea, fruits (especially bananas)
Least favorite foods/drinks: chocolate milk, sour candy, foods with "unnecessary amount of sugar"
Accomplishments: skipping 4 grades (he did all the work), inventing things such as the Time Observer and the TVRS (True Virtual Reality System)
Style: glasses with comfortable clothes (most likely a t-shirt with a sweatshirt with comfy shorts/pants), hair put up in a ponytail
Guilty pleasures: Getting kidnapped (sort of)
Fears: disappointing his family, FIRE
Symbol: Spade or science beaker
Dreams: becoming a scientist, becoming an inventor, tasting a gros Michel banana
Ideal Friday night: inventing in the lab or watching a movie
Story: This Len could be considered the oldest because even when he was first born, he was pretty smart for a baby. In general, he was ahead of the kids his age.
Nickname(s): Kagamine, 'King,' Kagamine-sama
Personality: oujidere, selfish, spoiled
Good qualities: self-confident, looked up to
Bad qualities: a total jerk, doesn't care about anyone but himself,
Likes: anything having to do with himself, money, fame, trends(kind of), things of 'true culture'
Dislikes: "idiocy!"; "commoners"
Favorite foods/drinks: tea, brioche, bananas, cultural foods
Least favorite foods/drinks: "anything disgusting," "commoner's food"
Accomplishments: most loved of the four
Style: a royal-looking cape with a crown, hair put in a low ponytail
Guilty pleasures: N/A
Fears: His secret being revealed, FIRE
Symbol: Diamonds or crown
Dreams: Part of his secret
Ideal Friday night: Being a VIP at a popular party or being adored by servants
Story: when Len was 3 years old, a new personality emerged from the stress from his perfect family. This personality embraced the fact that he was a Kagamine. He acted more like a "normal" Kagamine and the direct line of the "head" of the family.
Nickname(s): Trashy
Personality: Depressing
Good qualities: good listener
Bad qualities: tends to make others uncomfortable, depressing, tends to mumble, when angry he rants like no tomorrow, attempts suicide every now and then
Likes: his yin-yang bracelet, poems(?)
Dislikes: pretty much everything else, "life," people telling him to stop and act like his "normal self"
Favorite foods/drinks: "tea and bananas.... I guess..."
Least favorite foods/drinks: Unknown
Accomplishments: "Living through a miserable existence should count as something...."
Style: hair down (possibly dyed black), tight jeans, (tight?) black shirt,
Guilty pleasures: N/A
Fears: getting hurt, disappointing people, hurting others, being alone, FIRE
Symbol: Clover or yin yang
Dreams: that his pain will end one day
Ideal Friday night: "I don't know.... Mope around I guess..."
Story: When Len was six and a half, his Grandfather brought him to a park named Yin-Yang Park. Cold and Kagamine were upset because they didn't want take a break. They had too much to do and they felt like they were just wasting time. They pouted on the sea-saw, alone. Then a boy was about a year younger than him came and sat on the other side.
"Why did you sit by me?" Cold asked, thinking he was some stupid little kid.
"Because you seem lonely," the boy replied.
"Yeah, so what?" Cold asked.
"Are you okay with that?" The boy asked. Cold was speechless. He never really thought about what he wanted. That one simple question was the one thing he needed to hear. The two became best friends. The boy's name was Benjamin, but everyone called him Benji. To Len, Benji's questions were less childish and more insightful and wise.
They eventually called themselves "the son of Yin" (Len) and "the son of Yang" (Benji) based on the way that they were total opposites. For Len's seventh birthday, Benji gave him a friendship charm. Len got a yin-yang bracelet and Benji got a yin-yang necklace.
Six months later, they were hanging out everyday. Cold wasn't studying as much as his family would have liked, but was still studying as much as the average kid. His family told him that he couldn't see Benji anymore, but he went against their wishes and met him again anyway one last time. Knowing it would be their last meeting, he told Benji his secret. Surprisingly, Benji was okay with it.
When he got home, Len was yelled at for disobeying his family's orders. The following day, Len was told to report to his great great grandfather's room (Kagamines tend to have kids at young ages so he's not as old as he sounds). His great great grandfather told him that Benji's house was burned down while he was still inside.
"Why?!" Len shrieked, Trashy being born, "Why did you...?!" He grabbed the old man's shirt in his fury.
"You did this!" The old man yelled, smacking the child on the check hard enough for him to loose his grip and fall on the ground. "It's all your fault you stupid boy!" The old man kicked Trashy's stomach repeatedly. He didn't move or attempt to stop the man.
Trashy remembers every moment Len spent with Benji. He remembers every punishment Len ever took. Since he contains all Len's bad memories (or memories related to a bad memory), it's no wonder why he naturally is depressed.
Nicknames: Lenny
Personality: deredere
Good qualities: cheerful, happy-go-lucky, innocent, friendly, outgoing, affectionate, doesn't care what others think of him
Bad qualities: can be too affectionate (causing people to get the wrong idea), innocent, dull,
Likes: people, anything cute, anything fun, music
Dislikes: Being bored
Favorite foods/drinks: bananas, cookies, banana bread, milk, natto
Least favorite foods/drinks: "disgusting things"
Accomplishments: ignoring expectations of others and pursuing what he wants, being the "face" of Len
Style: a somewhat high ponytail with a sailor-ish outfit and a tie
Guilty pleasures: crossdressing(?)
Fears: being alone, FIRE
Symbol: heart or two 8th notes
Dreams: to become a singer
Ideal Friday night: A sleepover with Kaito
Story: For the next six months, Trashy almost completely controlled Len. One day, his grandpa dragged him out of bed (that had become more like his own world) and brought him to a park. He needed the sunshine and exercise anyway. He hid in the bushes because he didn't want anyone to bother him and he find the outdoors to be too bright.
Then he saw the back of a boy about 12 years old by the looks of it. Len found his blue hair to be cool and Lenny was born. He watched the boy. They way he walked, they way he talked and even the atmosphere around him Lenny found amazing. He instantly adopted the male as his senpai.
The boy noticed him and they started to talk. The boy's name was Kaito and they became best friends. However, Lenny still considers Kaito as his senpai.
The Future
Len end up marrying Lily, after an arranged marriage that was set up when he was seven. However, it is uncertain that he ever likes her beyond a best friend.
Lily (I could find a good picture of them together)
They end up getting really 'busy' and have 9 kids.
I don't own any images, however I do spend time on my edits.