Popular Japanese BL dating show The Boyfriend aired episodes 7 and 8 on Tuesday, July 23, 2024, at 4 p.m. KST on Netflix. The series features nine young men as cast members, including the new couple Shun and Dai, spending a memorable summer at a beachside house called Green Room. They spend a summer running a coffee truck and forming meaningful connections to find love and an everlasting friendship.
Episodes 7 and 8 of The Boyfriend saw Shun and Dai navigate their arguments and feelings to finally become a couple. The two shared a kiss on their private date, thereby confirming their relationship. After initial hiccups, misunderstandings, and fights throughout this week’s episodes, the two officially began dating.
Netflix’s The Boyfriend episodes 7-8: Shun & Dai get together as a couple
This week’s episodes 7 and 8 saw the eight cast members reach the final set of days at the Green Room. The cast includes Dai, Shun, Kazuto, Alan, Gensei, Ryota, Taeheon, and Ikuo. Previously, Usak left the show to attend a work-related commitment abroad. The remaining cast members spent more time together, sharing personal stories and forming connections.
Meanwhile, on their private date, three couples—Dai and Shun, Kazuto and Alan, and Gensei and Ryota—spent time together. After crossing many hurdles, Shun and Dai became a couple.
Shun & Dai resolve their misunderstandings
The episode began with rising tensions between Shun and Dai. Shun addressed his concerns after the latter spent time with new cast member Ikuo. He felt that Dai’s words and actions didn’t match and hoped that Dai would express his feelings with actions. Meanwhile, Dai was relieved to have Shun talk to him and expressed his affection. Dai further confessed to having fallen for Shun.
The following day, the cast indulged in a go-karting race where the winner could ask for a wish. Although Shun won the race, he didn’t wish for anything. After Ikuo left to work at the coffee truck with Kazuto, the cast had breakfast. When Shun asked Dai why he didn’t volunteer to accompany Ikuo, Dai expressed that he didn’t feel right, showcasing his affection for Shun just like the latter wanted.
By that night, the two had spent quality time together, with Shun wanting to spend more meaningful moments with Dai and hoping for a future together. They ended the night with a hug, indicating all was well between them.
Tensions continue between Dai & Shun
The following morning, the cast got into a debate, which didn’t sit well with Shun. It was Dai’s turn to run the coffee truck, but Shun didn’t raise his hand to volunteer. Dai eventually chose Ikuo. While running the coffee truck, Dai told Ikuo that he wanted Shun to express why he didn’t volunteer. Dai expressed his disappointment over the incident, further revealing how hurt he was.
Meanwhile, Shun clarified to castmates how he felt overwhelmed by the debate, which was why he didn’t go with Dai. Later, Dai revealed he had received a text message from Shun clarifying the situation. At night, the two talked it out. However, the situation worsened when Dai expressed how he felt hurt by Shun’s choice of words in the message. He left after Shun had nothing more to say.The latter felt bad for hurting Dai but didn’t see his fault in not wanting to volunteer. Taeheon advised Shun to focus on how he hurt Dai and apologize to him.
What happens at the end of this week’s The Boyfriend episodes?
Shun & Dai become a couple
Shun then apologized for hurting Dai, who was relieved and said that this was exactly what he wanted to hear from Shun. At this point, the MCs discussed how the two were able to resolve their issues amicably, explore more quirks about each other, and adapt to each other’s lives. The two shared a hug before dinner.
The following morning, the cast had to choose names for a private date. Dai felt happy after matching with Shun, and the two headed for the date, during which they spent time getting to know each other better. Shun shared how he knew he wanted a family of his own after visiting his ex’s family. Dai also discussed how he felt strongly about male couples having children. Shun noted that he wanted the same as long as he could afford it financially and mentally.By the end of the episode, the two shared the same bed and kissed, thus officializing their relationship.
Don’t forget to tune in to The Boyfriend episodes 9 and 10 next Tuesday, June 30, 2024, at 4 p.m. KST on Netflix.